Monday, September 10, 2012

Profs at IIT

now here i sit and decide to write something about the profs at iit. though i am not using profs of iit madras but my views and ideas are based solely on what i saw inside iitm. however my friends who are in other iits also often complain about the same things. so i think i can generalize things here.
some major drawbacks of the profs at iits
1] most of the profs have never been an iit btech student. it affects their understanding of the students whom they teach.
2]Those who are new experiment too much- as in i saw two profs taking courses for my branch who were first timers. iit gives profs infinite freedom to conduct the courses in their own way. though this rule was made  to make things better, it ultimately does nothing but increases unnecessary rigour in the students life. for ex- one of my profs divided the total marks for a course in the following fashion{newcommer}
    10 assignments-20
     1 project-10 marks
    5 surprize quizzes-20
    end sem-30

    it may sound fascinating to one who has never seen the iit doors but dear believe me, it's not that easy when you have 8 courses along with some labs in a semester.
3] they are good researchers-  a teacher is someone who can effectively make one know what he knows. iit profs are not selected on the criterion of how good they can teach but instead on how good they can do research works.

but not all profs are so , there are many who teach very well. some goods about iit profs-
1] they are very knowledgeble people- if you are talking to some iit prof assume that he knows all the thicks and thins of his subject.
2] they have devoted their life for the betterment of the nation- out of all profs i have seen and interacted with at iit madras i have never seen anyone who came to iit to earn a living as the sole purpose. they are the ones who contribute significantly in nation's development. however it almost never makes any headlines untill and unless the thing they have done is like a milestone in some field or is pathbreaking.
3]they are (almost) friendly with you with a few exceptions.

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