Sunday, May 13, 2012

iit madras authorities try to impose measures to avoid drug consumption in the institute

    Well drug consumption could and should never be justified , students continue to make use of psychoactive drugs like marijuana. i have myself seen some students who are intoxicated of marijuana 24X7. This is the mail which was sent to the students prior to hostel nights this year. my fellow junior forwarded this to me.
My dear students,
Here's an e-mail i must have sent much earlier, but am hoping that "better late than never" will hold good in this case.
After taking charge of my current adminstrative responsibilities, i have had occasions to deal with difficult, embarassing situations involving our students who had violated Hostel/Institute rules including:
(a)  smoking and/or consuming alcoholic drinks and/or prohibited drugs.
(b)  riding and retaining powered vehicles in the Hostel Zone.
(c)  damaging hostel/Institute property.
(d)  eve-teasing and inappropriate exhibitionism.
(e)  hosting guests in their rooms without due information/permission/authorization.
In each of the above cases reported to this office, penalties were levied on the concerned students, who were also required to vacate their Hostel rooms and find accommodation outside campus.  A due process was followed involving the Disciplinary Committee for Hostel Residents (DCHR), which also includes student members.
I wish to highlight the case of one such student, who had to vacate his allotted hostel room following disciplinary proceedings against him in December 2012.  The DCHR proceedings were fair and firm, especially in terms of giving the concerned student ample opportunity to explain the violations.  The DCHR was also considerate by way of noting that the student could seek (a) commutation of the period of expulsion from the hostel, and (b) fresh allotment of a hostel room, provided a suitable note on his/her good conduct could be given by the concerned Faculty Advisor(s), Guide(s), or HoD, or Warden.  Barely two months after expulsion from the hostel, the concerned student came into my office and pleaded to be pardoned.  Of course, there was a positive note from the student's Faculty Advisor/Guide/HoD regarding the student's positive change in behaviour.  In particular, the student pointed out how the external accommodation caused immense suffering - financial and otherwise - and how much our hostels are "heaven" compared to the insensitive or even cruel world outside.
Please note that the Hostel Management and DCHR will NOT BROOK any such violations and will come down like a ton of bricks on such violators.  In specific cases (Ragging, Eve-teasing, Consumption of prohibited Drugs, etc.) the Hostel Management will, through a systematic process, simply pass on the case to the Police without a second thought.  Please note that such violations are NON-BAILABLE criminal offences, and potential violators may please visualize dark, gloomy, stinking scenarios for themselves.  In short, WE WILL NOT TOLERATE SUCH UNDESIRABLE, ILLEGAL BEHAVIOUR FROM ANY OF OUR STUDENTS, and will be duty bound to take extreme action that will be warranted, and this will include recommendation of immediate rustication from the Institute.  IIT Madras will send out a clear signal of being a no-nonsense institution when dealing with blatant, deliberate violations of learning and living in the campus.
The Hostel Management and DCHR are keen to ensure that students live a comprehensively healthy, lively, good-humoured, and productive life during their stay in IIT Madras.  Please do not forget the basic purpose for which you have entered IIT Madras as a student.  Your basic purpose is to study and learn (master?) a body of knowledge you would have chosen of your own sweet free will so that you will gain sufficient expertise/competence to serve the cause of India's self-reliance in science, engineering, technology and other progressive human pursuits.  Let not India be a country dependent on others for even basic necessities including survival.
Best wishes,
L. S. Ganesh,
Dean (Students)
Professor, Department of Management Studies,
Chennai 600036.
******* (desk)
******* (office; to leave messages)
P.S.  Here are the Minutes of the proceedings of the DCHR concerning the above case:
Sub: Punishment imposed on xxxyyyzzz – Reg.
The Hostel Disciplinary Committee, which met on **rd Nov. ****, to enquire into the  violation of Hostel rules by xxxyyyzzz, (roll no.), Room No.nnn, hhhhhhhhh Hostel recommended the following punishments:
a)      Levy of fine for Rs.1,500/- (Rupees One Thousand five hundred only) to be paid at the Office of Hostel Management on or before *********
b)      Expulsion from the hostel from one semester from *******to ********

The competent authority has approved the above punishment recommended by the Committee.

The above student is hereby directed to vacate his/her hostel room on or before **st Dec. ***** and make his/her own arrangements for boarding and lodging outside the campus during the period of expulsion.  Also (s)he should not stay in any Hostel as a guest of any other student during this period.

                The above expelled student is barred from contesting any elections to represent the student body in any forum till the completion of his/her academic programme in IIT Madras.  (S)He cannot be nominated to any responsible position in the organizational hierarchy of student activities

                The address of the place of stay in the city during the said period should be communicated to the undersigned for records.


If sufficient evidence is provided by official sources, including his/her faculty advisor/research guide or any other faculty regarding significant, desirable behaviour changes on his/her part, the above period of expulsion from the hostel may be reconsidered and commuted.


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